
It’s been a while since Tammy Gray has released a book so I was very excited to see she has a new one releasing this week! This post contains Amazon affiliate links. About the Book Title: Love and a Little White Continue reading →

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Welcome to Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com! I actually had to check the calendar to see which month it is. 🙂 So happy June! This summer looks far different than our past ones have, but we are keeping busy. Have you Continue reading →

Posted in Booknificent Thursdays | 4 Replies

Of Literature and Lattes by Katherine Reay: My Review


Being a huge Katherine Reay fan ever since she wrote my favorite book, Dear Mr. Knightley, I was anxious to get my hands on her newest work as early as possible so I was very happy to receive a complimentary 天行加速2022

Posted in Books | 1 Reply

Booknificent Thursday Link-Up #294


Hi everyone, and happy May! Welcome to Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com! I hope you are all doing well. We are doing well, continuing to pray for our world, and enjoying lots of family time. We are still waiting on all Continue reading →

Posted in Booknificent Thursdays | 2 Replies

Happy Feast of Firstfruits! and Counting the Days to Pentecost

Counting the omer granny square quilt

Happy Feast of Firstfruits, the Biblical celebration of Yahshua’s (Jesus’) resurrection! We have had a wonderful day celebrating together. I hope you’ve also had a wonderful celebration of our Lord’s resurrection! Here’s a wonderful video of a sermon explaining how Continue reading →

Posted in Biblical Holidays, Shavuot/Pentecost | 1 Reply


I wanted to share with you a reader’s version of the script I wrote that we use at our Passover meal. Readers include the Host, Hostess, and Readers 1-8. In our house, Readers 1-5 are my children in order, and Continue reading →

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How Our Family Celebrates Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Passover lintels and Joshua 24:15

Celebrating Passover in our family begins a couple weeks before the actual event. We mark and celebrate the Biblical New Year when we see the first sliver of the spring new moon (Exodus 12:2). That begins our counting of fourteen Continue reading →

Posted in Biblical Holidays, Passover | 2 Replies

Booknificent Thursday Link-Up #293


Hi everyone! Welcome to Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com! Unlike pretty much everything else in my life, Booknificent Thursday is NOT cancelled! Isn’t that great news? We are still allowed to gather and encourage one another here without fear of spreading Continue reading →

Posted in Biblical Holidays, 天行加速2022, 天行加速2022 | 4 Replies

Happy Biblical New Year!


Happy Biblical New Year! Our family is celebrating tonight, while many around the world have already celebrated or will celebrate soon. As with all Biblical holidays, there are differences of opinion on exactly when they fall. Some follow the Jewish Continue reading →

Posted in Biblical Holidays | 2 Replies

Like Flames in the Night by Connilyn Cossette: My Review


Author Connilyn Cossette has sprung to the top of my favorite author list over the past five years. Every book she puts out swiftly becomes my new favorite. Her latest release, Like Flames in the Night, is no exception. It is stellar! 天行加速2022

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